
I have many loves in my life.  Writing, books, movies, and yes, Disney.

It wasn't always the case.  I remember a time when I scoffed at the mere idea of a Disney theme park offering anything but mild and passing amusement for me.  

That all changed at the sight of a castle...

September saw my third trip to Walt Disney World, and until recently I had no other plans to return in the immediate future.  Well, guess what?


Next trip:  November 2013

It's far too soon to start boring people with an hourly countdown, but from time to time all reason and common sense will be abandoned here on What Happens in Hayden and instead you will find pre-trip hysteria and Disney-related outbursts.

For a snapshot of my Disney opinions:

Favourite park - Magic Kingdom, edging just ahead of Epcot on account of the castle
Favourite ride - Dinosaur.  Yes, really.
Favourite movie - Beauty and the Beast
Favourite character - who else?  Mickey Mouse.

You can find me lurking around the Disboards where I post as MissStitch626.