Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Life AFTER Disney

It was a trip 18 months in the making. 

18 months of planning, and dreaming, and planning some more.  Hours and hours were dedicated to examining and re-examining every small detail of this trip, discussing everything we wanted to do and see, all the experiences we wanted to have.

The trip we waited so long for is over.  Two weeks of Walt Disney World have come and gone and I am…tired!

I’ve spent much of the last three days sleeping, entire days lost to the black hole of jet lag and post-park exhaustion.  A trip to Walt Disney World really does require extensive training and conditioning.  Of course I did not undertake any kind of remotely useful exercise before leaving, which might explain why my legs still hurt three days later!

So did a trip 18 months in the making live up to expectation?  Could it possibly endure the weight of 18 months of anticipation?  Of course it could.  This is Walt Disney World after all.

Of course the plan went awry.  Of course we couldn’t possibly do everything we wanted.  And of course after a few days the lines, the crowds and the people using strollers as battering rams begin to grate as the magic struggles to prevent patience from wearing thin.  

That’s the thing about Walt Disney World though.  It doesn’t matter if the plan doesn’t work or if it rains or if you can barely walk by the end of a long day running around a park.  There’s always something that makes it all worthwhile. 

I won’t use the blog to recall every last detail of our trip – a day by day account can be found on my Disboards trip report here.  As the dust settles on our trip there will be elements I’ll want to revisit, and certain reviews of places and people I might want to share. 

As for right now, it’s time to readjust to life in the real world where it’s no longer socially acceptable to wear mouse ears every day.  Shouldn’t be a problem right?  I’ll start with a trip to the cinema.  Now, where’s the Fast Pass line?

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